

작성일 : 2018.12.28 작성자 : 관리자 조회 : 3658
작성일 : 2018.12.28 작성자 : 관리자 조회 : 3302
채용인원: 2인 서류접수: 11/27(화) ~ 12/16(일) 면접일정: 12/17(월) ~ (변경가능) * 2019년 1월 부터 근무 예정 (최소 3개월 이상) 접수방법: 영문 CV 및 Cover Letter을 한파일로 통합하여 이메일 접수(recruit@globalcompact.kr) 파일이름: [UNGC 인턴]_국문성명(영문성명) 다른 문의사항이 있으시면 해당 메일 및 02-749-2150으로 언제든지 연락주시기 바랍니다. UN Global Compact Network Korea Internship Opportunities The United Nations Global Compact Network Korea offers a small group of outstanding undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to acquire real field work and research experience as interns. ■ Objective The programme will allow successful applicants to gain a greater understanding of the Global Compact’s Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment, anti-corruption. Interns will undertake work on a range of Corporate Social Responsibility issues, including business and human rights, anti-corruption, partnerships for development, and other collective action in support of UN goals etc. ■ Duties - Research and analyze relating to the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility, especially on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption - Translate UN related publications, papers and other documents from English to Korean, or vice-versa - Draft and edit publications, papers and other documents - Assist in the coordination of the Communication on Progress process - Liaise with Global Compact participants...
작성일 : 2018.11.27 작성자 : 관리자 조회 : 3317