


반기문 유엔사무총장 Global CSR Conference 2011 환영사

2011-11-28 18:12


Ladies and Gentlemen:

It gives me great pleasure to greet this timely and important conference. I thank the Global Compact Korea Network for working so hard to further align business in Korea with the goals and priorities of the United Nations.

The world faces enormous challenges. More than 1 billion people lack access to basic needs, such as safe drinking water, food, and electricity. A majority of the world’s eco-systems are in decline and the changing climate is expected to exacerbate these problems.

This conference is a welcome effort to raise awareness about corporate sustainability and the role that business can and must play in building a better world for all. A vibrant corporate movement is underway. The UN now counts business as a key partner. More than 6000 companies in 140 countries are participating in the Global Compact. More and more companies are coming to see that ignoring environmental, social, and governance issues can have a negative impact on the bottom line. They are also seizing the compelling opportunities related to green growth.

But without the critical mass, we cannot change business as usual. That is where you can help. You can help convince more companies to embrace sustainable thinking. You can commit to the Global Compact and become active in the Korea Network. I thank you all for taking part in this conference and for caring about these important issues. I look forward to working with you to build a sustainable future for all. Please accept my best wishes for most productive meeting.